Thursday, February 3, 2011

Poet Museum

The last week or so of my life has been completely and utterly devoted to Poet Museum. Poet Museum is to senior year as national conventions are to presidential elections. (Side note: I didn't come up with that analogy... it is the brainchild of my government teacher.) Poet Museum is either the culmination of a massive amount of effort, and the point at which seniors are officially allowed to succumb to senioritis. In a word: ugghhhhhhh.

My partner and I chose to present over Helen Maria Williams. She's fairly obscure, so I'll summarize: she's an over-sexed radical for the French Revolution who lives to be provocative.

I made this video, which is a (ridiculously dramatic) reading of our poem. And by "made", I really mean "spent over twenty-four hourse agonizing over".

Yes, the first song is "O Children" by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Yes, that is the song that Harry and Hermione danced to in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. And yes, that is Voldemort at 2:54, between the clips of Hitler.

And here are a few pictures of other people's presentations that I made my brother take because he was loitering around our table too much:

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