Tuesday, August 17, 2010


It's official--I'm a senior. I can prove it, too: I have a schedule. It's on paper and everything!

  1. Senior Mentor - Basically, I'm supposed sit in a basic math class (i.e. Algebra or Geometry), and help out freshmen or sophomores that aren't really latching onto the concepts. However, the teacher that I'm mentoring for has an AP Calculus AB class first period. A student that was in the same situation last year wrote on facebook, "She'll either make you basically a teacher aid or will ask you to find an algebra class going on the same period to mentor. I had a friend who became an aid and she asked me to find another class. (Took the off-period because my assistance was not needed)."
  2. AP Calculus BC - Theoretically, this class is right next to the class I'm "mentoring" for. Which would've been convenient. Pfft. On another note, I had the same teacher for Pre-Cal my sophomore year as I'll have this year for calculus. He was a captain on a nuclear submarine. And he got mad at a kid my sophomore year for calling him "Cap'n Crunch".
  3. Campus Singers- This is the top choir at my high school. No big deal or anything.
  4. AP English IV- I had to read Wuthering Heights this summer. I heard the quiz was brutal. I'll let you know the result later.
  5. AP Physics- The instructor of this class also taught my Physics class last year. He is a goon. See video below.
  6. Lunch
  7. AP Macroeconomics/AP Government- I heard that the government teacher is quite liberal. But I'm okay with that.
  8. Pre-AP Spanish IV- I couldn't fit the actual class in my schedule, so I'll be doing the curriculum in a Spanish III class. Hooray for sophomores...

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