Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Moon Quidditch?

Yes, you read that title correctly.

I've been assigned a project in Physics, in which we have to redesign a sport for play on the moon. My partner and I chose quidditch.

We tried asking if we could just write everything off to magic and call the project 'done', but our teacher nixed the idea. And so, we're adapting muggle quidditch for the moon. This will be beautiful.

Basically, we're changing the height of the goal posts, the density of the bludgers, and the size constraints of the field. Oh, and we're kinda revolutionizing the snitch. But we have an issue: should we put through the effort to calibrate the brooms so that they can stay in the air, or should people just bounce around while holding a broom?

If you want to be a superstar, comment below.

Oh, and read this cool article. Apparently, moon quidditch isn't that novel of an idea...

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