Monday, January 10, 2011

Oh, Politics.... Oh, Videos.

In my AP Government class, which is starting to replace AP English as my favorite class ever, we were given a political survey, to determine where are views lay on the political spectrum. I, as I expected, was moderate. No surprise there.

However, we were also supposed to give the survey to our parents. And I forgot. So I gave it to my calculus teacher instead. Here's a bit of a background on Dr./Mr./Captain/Professor Crotteau: he served in the navy as the captain of a nuclear submarine, has a billion college degrees, and is an extremely strict rule enforcer and follower.

That said, when I handed him the survey, he immediately told me, "I'm going to let you know right now that I'm definitely going to be conservative," as he made large gestures to the right. He was moderately liberal.

I love it when (other) people put their feet in their mouths. I mean, it happens to me a lot, and I just feel embarassed, but when it happens to other people, it's just hilarious.

Also in Government, we were permitted to research third parties for extra credit. I knew the assignment was going to be entertaining (I mean, can you say "Pansexual Peace Party" or "U.S. Marijuana Party"?), but I didn't actually expect to agree with any of them.

But, alas, I too put my foot in my mouth.

The Modern Whig Party, I found, stood for nearly everything that I stand for. And I'm not asking you to agree with me, but you should definitely check it out--I like that it's less of a "party" and more of a collection of independents with similar values. Jeez, I sound like a public service announcement. The Modern Whig Party is rad, and I plan on supporting it.

If you don't feel like you agree completely with the views represented by the major parties, I definitely encourage you to check out this website that links many third parties, if only for a laugh.

I will say that I was extremely disappointed that they didn't even mention The Rent is Too D*** High Party. Albeit, it wasn't exactly for a presidential election. But it should be. Jimmy McMillan 2012? (P.S. on The Rent is Too D*** High Party's website, it says at the bottom of the page that Jimmy is single and open too dating. Ladies?)


In other, slightly less political news, there are a few new videos that it's your patriotic obligation to watch. And I have a website ( that links all of my social networking thingstuffs. So if you're like, "Katie, there is no way I can remember everything," I can be like, "Umm... you don't have to." Just go to the website, people.

Kathy, EFV's freaky friday girl, talks about things she loves:

I attempt to tell jokes:

And I talk about kinky fan fiction in as G-rated of a manner as possible:

Yes. Be politically active (or laugh at those who are). And watch videos (or laugh at those that make them).


  1. i took that same biased quiz. mrs kontrye's "survey" was spun like a spider's web, with questions such as "do you think poor black kids should not be educated?" and "should people without health insurance be left to die?" its no wonder crotteau wasn't conservative.

  2. I agree that it was biased--the questions were very strongly worded, and I believe the survey WAS intended to steer people moderate, partially because it was used to make a point about the problems with labels. And I also understand that it's extremely difficult to summarize a person's entire political ideology in twenty questions. That said, my point in this post was to draw attention to the stupidity of assumptions, rather than to attempt to steer people one way or another, or to justify any ideology.
