Thursday, April 7, 2011

BEDA 7: Teachers are Cool

Hey. I'm going to rant again. Just a warning.

If anything is of import to me, it's education. Education is the foundation of a society--through lack or existence of an adequate educational system, a government can manipulate the members of its society, or the citizens can form a productive system of the people. Every law passed, every court ruling, every class division, and every dollar contributing away from or towards the GDP derives from education.

And let's be frank. Texas, as a whole has an absolutely awful education system. And we're probably the state that needs it the most--what with our massive amount of illegal immigrants and general population, in addition to the amount of stock we hold in the House. Our drop-out rate, literacy rate, and SAT scores are shameful. Seriously, everything is bigger in Texas... except the proportion of the budget dedicated towards education.

The most frustrating aspect of our education system is that it isn't good enough to teach the students that education is important. Most people don't understand the role of education beyond some governmental requirement. I was in the bathroom after fourth period today, and a girl said that she had nine makeup hours. Nine. How does one even acquire nine makeup hours? And the sad part is that she's probably not educated enough to realize the detrimental effects of stinted education.

This year has been particularly enlightening with respect to teachers. In the past, I, along with nearly everyone else, definitely took teachers for granted. It's probably one of the most honorable professions in existence. I could never be a teacher. And this year, I've come to realize how fleeting life is. How easily it changes. How life takes things and people away and gives some things back.

I never want to take my education for granted, because I have been better off then most people. And this year, I've had some of the best teachers of my educational career. They deserve so much more than they have received.

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